At this wonderful time of Advent and Christmas we invite you to a series of special services and events.
Wednesday 11 December
6.00pm Christingle Service
A family-focused service with carols
Sunday 15 December
10.00am All Age service with Junior Church's Christmas Nativity
Sunday 22 December
6.30pm Service of Nine Lessons and Carols by Candlelight
A traditional service with carols and readings from the Bible, followed by mulled wine and mince pies
Christmas Eve
5.00pm Crib Service for all ages
An opportunity for families to hear about the story of Christmas
10.30pm Community Carols
Come and sing with us in church as we begin our Christmas celebrations
11.15pm Midnight Mass - Bishop Michael presiding
A traditional service for the first Eucharist of Christmas
Christmas Day
8.00am Holy Communion from the Book of Common Prayer
10.00am Family Parish Communion
Come and celebrate Christmas, all are welcome!